How to Check your Ubuntu Version?

How to Check your Ubuntu Version

Getting to know the version of the Ubuntu you are running can help you get comfortable and better at navigating through it. Whether you’re a seasoned user or a newcomer to the Linux environment, knowing how to check your Ubuntu version is essential for compatibility, updates, and troubleshooting. In this guide, we’ll explore simple and effective methods to ascertain your Ubuntu version, empowering you to make informed decisions about your system and ensure a smooth and optimized user experience.

Release Schedule

Every two years, an LTS (Long Term Support) version is released, providing support for a minimum of 5 years. The current LTS iteration, 22.04, was launched in April 2022. Ubuntu version numbers are indicative of the year and month of release.

In the intervals between LTS versions, Ubuntu issues interim releases every 6 months. While this may appear frequent, it contributes to a more controlled development process. These releases typically occur in April and October, with the most recent being 23.10 (Mantic Minotaur).

On the other hand, non-LTS versions have shorter support durations, primarily focusing on testing new features and resolving bugs. Understanding your Ubuntu version is crucial for determining the appropriate packages or applications to install. So, how can you check your Ubuntu version?

This guide will demonstrate how to retrieve your Ubuntu version information through both the terminal and command line, as well as the graphical interface in a desktop environment.

Check Ubuntu Version Through System Settings

You can easily check the Ubuntu version your computer is using through the GUI when operating in a desktop environment.

  • Launch the Settings application from the upper right corner.

  • From the section on the left, scroll down to the bottom and select the About Section.
  • In the window displaying basic information, identify the Ubuntu version. In the provided screenshot, you can observe that our system is currently running Ubuntu 22.04.03.

Check Ubuntu Version Through the Terminal

If you want to check ubuntu version through the terminal, it’s pretty simple and straightforward. You can run the following command In your terminal to get a short and succinct response:

$lsb_release -a

You can see that I my current version is 22.04.03.


understanding the version of Ubuntu operating on your system is fundamental for efficient software management. Whether navigating through the terminal, command line, or the graphical interface in a desktop environment, the methods outlined in this guide empower users to easily check and ascertain their Ubuntu version. This knowledge not only aids in the selection of compatible packages and applications but also ensures a smoother and more informed computing experience. Stay up-to-date with your Ubuntu version to make the most of the latest features and support options.

If this intrigues you, and you want to download the latest version of Ubuntu you can head on over to the official website and check the downloads page.