How to Install VirtualBox Guest Additions on Debian 12: An Easy Approach

Install VirtulaBox guest addition on Debian 12

Are you looking for an easy installation method for Guest Additions on Debian 12? You’re at the right place!

Installing VirtualBox Guest Additions is necessary and important because it improves the performance and integration of the virtual machine. It also provides improved graphics, smooth mouse integration, shared folders, and better overall interaction between the host and guest systems.

So let’s start the guide!

How to Install VirtualBox Guest Additions on Debian 12

First of all, update the packages list to ensure that your system has the latest software versions, security updates, and bug fixes available in the repository:

sudo apt update
Updating Packages List on Debian 12

Next, install the necessary tools and headers to compile and install VirtualBox Guest Additions on Debian:

sudo apt install build-essential dkms linux-headers-$(uname -r)
Installing Necessary Packages for the guest addition

Afterward, move your cursor to the top left corner of the VirtualBox window, click “Devices” and select “Insert Guest Addition CD Image”:

Adding the CD Image

Now, create a mount point for the guest addition using:

sudo mkdir /mnt/cdrom
Creating the Directory using mkdir command

As a result, the CD image of the guest addition will be ready to be mounted:

sudo mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
Mounting the CD Image

Move to the specified created directory:

cd /mnt/cdrom
navigating to the slash-mnt-slash-cdrom directory

Use –nox11 for VirtualBox Guest Additions to allow the installation on your system without a GUI:

sudo sh ./ --nox11
Running the VBoxLinuxAdditions script

Now, to save changes, reboot the system:

sudo reboot
Rebooting the system

To confirm the installations of guest additions on your system, use the following command:

lsmod | grep vboxguest
Verifying the Installation

This command checks whether the VirtualBox Guest Additions kernel module is loaded by listing currently loaded modules and searching for vboxguest.


In this guide, we’ve shown the method to install VirtualBox Guest Additions on Debian 12 by updating packages, installing necessary tools, mounting the CD image, and running the installer. Lastly, we have rebooted and verified with ‘lsmod’ to confirm that the Guest Additions module is active and functioning.

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