Cat Command in Linux with Examples

Cat Command in Linux with Examples

Cat (short for concatenate) is used to concatenate files and print their output on the screen.

In this article, we are going to show you some examples of cat command. All the commands have been executed on RHEL 9.


Concatenate command has following syntax.


Following are some of the important options of cat command.

Option Description
-n Print line number with output
-s Do not show repeated empty lines
-T Separate the tab with ^I character
-E Display $ at the end of each line.


Show the content of a file on terminal

This is one of the basic examples of cat command. In this example, we are going to show you the content of a file on the terminal. Suppose the file is sample.txt file and is located in current working directory. The command is as follows:

cat sample_file.txt

Copy the content of a file to another file

You can use the cat and redirect operator (>) to copy the content of one file to another file. The complete command should be as follows.

cat old_file.txt > new_file.txt

If the file is not located at the destination, it will be created and if the file is located it will be overwritten.

Append the content of one file to another file

You can use the (>>) operator to append the content of one file to another file. Suppose the files are file_1.txt and file_2.txt. You should run:

cat file_1.txt >> file_2.txt

Display line numbers

You can display the line number with file content using -n option. Suppose the file is file_2.txt, the command should be executed as follows:

cat -n file_2.txt

Do not show repeated empty lines

You can use the -s option to make cat command do not show empty lines in the output. The complete command is as follows:

cat -s file_2.txt

Separate the tabs with ^I character

You can use -T option to separate the tab with ^I character:

cat -T file_1.txt

Display $ at the end of each line

You can display $ at the end of each line by using -E option. The command should be executed as follows:

cat -E file_2.txt

Concatenate multiple files and print the output on terminal

With the help of cat command, you can concatenate multiple files and print the output on terminal.

The command is as follows:

cat file_1.txt file_2.txt

Instead of concatenating two files displaying the output on terminal, you can write the output to another file say file_3.txt. If the file is not located at the destination, it will be created otherwise overwritten.

You should run the following on terminal.

cat file_1.txt file_2.txt > file_3.txt

Append the output of multiple files to another file

If you want to append the output to the third file file_3.txt use >> operator instead of >. You should run:

cat file_1.txt file_2.txt >> file_3.txt

Create a file

Instead of any text editor, you can create a file with the help of cat command and > operator. The command is as follows.

cat > sample_file.txt

You will be prompted to type your content on the terminal. When you are done press ctrl + D from the keyboard to save the file and quit.

Similarly, you can use >> operator to append the content to a file as follows.

cat >> sample_file.txt


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